During my final co-op term, I provided just-in-time initial help desk support to faculty members and staff in the Faculty of Arts department. My role as a Learning Tech Rover includes giving workshop tutorials on educational technologies, troubleshoot issues as they arise, and provide appropriate referrals as required.

North Shore Women’s Centre

During my co-op term at the North Shore Women's Centre, I assisted and coordinated in two of North Shore Women’s Centre’s (NSWC) annual fundraising event–the summer and winter online auctions, and facilitate two one-week long Girls Empowerment Camp. Additionally, I also assisted in coordinating other special events, such as the West Vancouver Community Event and North Vancouver Canada Day Event.

What will you do to stop world hunger?

As a part of my assignment to reduce world hunger, I participated in a 30-day waste reduction plan as a part of the Zero Hunger Challenge (UN, 2012). More specifically, I reduced waste through composting, recycling, and reusing products. Through this challenge, I hope to be able to adopt a sustainable habit through this 30-day challenge and make conscious efforts to prevent waste creation.

Self Presentation and Parasocial Relationship

This project involved designing and conducting an original research project using archival data. Our objective was to identify a psychological phenomenon related to social media, and identify a gap in prior knowledge, then develop a hypothesis and a study that uses archival methods to test it. Archives include publicly-available posts to Twitter, Facebook, and other platforms.

UNHCR Learning Centre for Myanmar Refugees

During secondary school years, I devoted time towards volunteering for the Myanmar refugees, in addition to cultivating and honing my teaching skills. This experience allowed me to gain valuable insights to less privileged children who do not have basic necessities such as education, as well as other psychosocial factors of malnutrition.